Source code for twissed.utils.physics

""" file

    Python package for beam dynamics analysis in laser-plasma acceleration
    author:: Damien Minenna <>
    date = 21/07/2023

import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as const
from typing import Union

[docs]def plasma_frequency(ne: float) -> float: r"""Return the theoretical waist over :math:`z`. .. math:: \omega_{\rm pe} = \sqrt{\frac{n_{\rm e} e^2}{m_{\rm e} \epsilon_0}} Args: ne (float): Plasma density in m-3 Returns: float: Plasma frequency in rad/s. """ return np.sqrt(ne * const.e**2 / const.m_e / const.epsilon_0)
def omega_laser(lambda0: float) -> float: r"""Return the laser frequency :math:`\omega_0`. .. math:: \omega_0 = Args: lambda0 (float): Laser wavelength Returns: float: laser frequency in rad/s. """ return 2.0 * np.pi * const.c / lambda0
[docs]def laser_strength(I0: float, lambda0: float, normalised: bool = False) -> float: r"""Laser strength parameter :math:`a_0`. .. math:: a_0 = \sqrt{\frac{e^2}{2 \pi^2 \epsilon_0 m_e^2 c^5} \lambda_0 I_0} or if :code:`normalised == True`: .. math:: a_0 = 0.855 \lambda_0 [\mu \mathrm{m}] \sqrt{I_0 [10^{18} \mathrm{W/cm}^2]} Args: I0 (float): Maximum intensity lambda0 (float): Wavelength normalised (bool): Normalised equation. Default to False. Returns: float: Laser strength parameter """ if normalised: return np.sqrt( (const.e**2) / (2 * np.pi**2 * const.epsilon_0 * const.m_e**2 * const.c**5) * lambda0 * I0 ) else: return 0.855 * lambda0 * np.sqrt(I0)
[docs]def critical_density(lambda0: float) -> float: r"""Laser critical density :math:`n_{\mathrm{c}}`. .. math:: n_{\mathrm{c}} = \frac{m_e \epsilon_0 \omega_0^2}{e^2} Args: lambda0 (float): Wavelength Returns: float: Laser critical density """ return ( const.m_e * const.epsilon_0 / const.e**2 * (2 * np.pi * const.c / lambda0) ** 2 )
[docs]def accelerating_electric_field(ne: float) -> float: r"""Return the maximum accelerating electric field (a.k.a the wavebreaking field or space charge field) :math:`E_{\rm max}`. .. math:: E_{\rm max} = \frac{m_e c \omega_{\rm pe}}{e} Args: ne (float): Plasma density in m-3 Returns: float: Maximum accelerating electric field in V/m """ return const.m_e * const.c * plasma_frequency(ne) / const.e
def reference_electric_field(lambda0: float) -> float: r"""Return the reference electric field :math:`E_{0}` (useful for normalisation). .. math:: E_{0} = \frac{m_e c \omega_0}{e} Args: lambda0 (float): Wavelength Returns: float: Reference electric field in V/m """ return const.m_e * const.c * omega_laser(lambda0) / const.e
[docs]def Rayleigh_length(w0: float, lambda0: float) -> float: r"""Return the Rayleigh length :math:`z_{\rm R}`. .. math:: z_{\rm R} = \frac{\pi w_0^2}{\lambda_0} Args: w0 (float): Maximum waist lambda0 (float): Wavelength Returns: float: Rayleigh length """ return np.pi * w0**2 / lambda0
[docs]def waist0_theory( z: Union[float, np.ndarray], w0: float, lambda0: float, zfoc: float = 0 ) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: r"""Return the theoretical waist over :math:`z`. .. math:: w(z) = w_0 \sqrt{1 + \left( \frac{z - z_{\rm foc}}{z_{\rm R}} \right)^2} Args: z (Union[float, np.ndarray]): Positions in z w0 (float): Maximum waist zfoc (float): Z focal position. Default to 0. lambda0 (float): Laser wavelength Returns: Union[float, np.ndarray]: Theoretical waist """ zr = Rayleigh_length(w0, lambda0) return w0 * np.sqrt(1.0 + ((z - zfoc) / zr) ** 2)
[docs]def convert_laser_duration_FWHM(t: float, convert: str = "fbpic_to_FWHM") -> float: """Convert laser FWHM duration. Args: t (float): time to convert. convert (str, optional): Type of conversion. Chose between "fbpic_to_FWHM", "FWHM_to_fbpic", "smilei_to_FWHM" or "FWHM_to_smilei". Defaults to "fbpic_to_FWHM". Returns: float: Converted time """ if convert == "fbpic_to_FWHM": return t * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) elif convert == "FWHM_to_fbpic": return t / np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) if convert == "smilei_to_FWHM": return t / np.sqrt(2) elif convert == "FWHM_to_smilei": return t * np.sqrt(2)