Plotting with the Step class¶
Several diagnostics are available with the Step class.
hist1D and hist2D functions¶
- twissed.Step.hist1D(self, xname: str, xconv: str | None = None, xrange: List[float | None] | None = [None, None], yname: str | None = 'charge', yconv: str | None = None, yrange: List[float | None] | None = [None, None], bins: int | None = 100, dx: int | None = None, plot: str | None = 'plot', ax: Axes | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray] ¶
Plot/get 1D histogram data from the weighted beam.
Simple plot of the x distribution (dQ/dx).¶# Note that x axis is convert in um with xconv. step.sigma_x is the standard deviation (bunch length) in x. H, xpos = step.hist1D('x', xconv='um', xrange=[-3*step.sigma_x*1e6,3*step.sigma_x*1e6], bins=150, # dx = 1, # Instead of bins plot='plot', linestyle='--', fwhm=True, )
Multiple plots.¶fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,3, figsize=(4*3,4*2), dpi=100, tight_layout=True) fig.suptitle(f"dQ/dE with various options") H, xpos = step.hist1D('Ek',dx=1,plot='plot',ax=axs[0,0]) _ = axs[0,0].set_title(f"plot: dx = 1 ($\Delta$E = { xpos[1]-xpos[0] :.2f})") H, xpos = step.hist1D('Ek',bins=50,plot='plot',ax=axs[0,1]) _ = axs[0,1].set_title(f"plot: bins=50 ($\Delta$E = { xpos[1]-xpos[0] :.2f})") H, xpos = step.hist1D('Ek',bins=20,plot='hist',ax=axs[0,2]) _ = axs[0,2].set_title(f"hist: bins=20 ($\Delta$E = { xpos[1]-xpos[0] :.2f})") H, xpos = step.hist1D('Ek',bins=50,plot='lineplot',ax=axs[1,0]) _ = axs[1,0].set_title(f"lineplot: bins=50") H, xpos = step.hist1D('Ek',bins=40,plot='histplot',ax=axs[1,1]) _ = axs[1,1].set_title(f"histplot: bins=50") H, xpos = step.hist1D('Ek',dx=1,plot='histplot',ax=axs[1,2]) _ = axs[1,2].set_title(f"histplot: dx=1")
- Parameters:
xname (str) – Name of the beam value for the x axis (e.g. “x”,”uy”,”Ek”,…)
xconv (str, optional) – Unit wanted for the x axis. Defaults to None.
xrange (list, optional) – Range [min, max] of the data. Defaults to [None,None].
yname (str, optional) – Set the y axis. Defaults to ‘charge’.
yconv (str, optional) – Unit wanted for the y axis. Defaults to None.
yrange (list, optional) – Range [min, max] of the data. Defaults to [None,None].
bins (int, optional) – Number of bins used. Defaults to 100.
dx (float, optional) – Step in x wanted. Modify bins. Defaults to None.
plot (str, optional) – Type of plot wanted. Defaults to step.
ax (matplotlib.pyplot.axes, optional) – matplotlib.pyplot.axes object for plots. Defaults to None. If None, but plot != None, will create a new figure with its own ax.
**kwargs (List of properties) –
xlabel (bool): Plot xlabel. Defaults to True.
ylabel (bool): Plot xlabel. Defaults to True.
short (bool): Use short unit label. Defaults to False.
linestyle (str): Defaults to “-“.
fwhm (bool): Plot the FWHM limits. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
hist (float) (array) – The values of the histogram. See density and weights for a description of the possible semantics.
xpos (float) (array of dtype float) – Return the bin positions (len(hist)) at the center of bins.
- twissed.Step.hist2D(self, xname: str, yname: str, xconv: str | None = None, yconv: str | None = None, xrange: List[float | None] | None = [None, None], yrange: List[float | None] | None = [None, None], bins: List[int] | None = [100, 100], plot: str | None = 'pcolormesh', ax: Axes | None = None, iscbar: bool | None = True, emit: bool | None = True, vrange: List[float | None] | None = [None, None], **kwargs) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray] ¶
Plot/get 2D histogram data from the weighted beam.
Simple plot of the x distribution (dQ/dx).¶twissed_cmap = twissed.Cmap() H, xpos, ypos = step.hist2D( 'x', 'xp', xconv='m', yconv='mrad', xrange=[- 3*step.sigma_x*1e0, 3*step.sigma_x*1e0], yrange=[- 3*step.sigma_xp*1e3, 3*step.sigma_xp*1e3], plot='pcolormesh_improved', cmap=twissed_cmap.cubehelix_r, emit=True, )
Remove pcolormesh_improved. Add option for 1D histogram. Add more kwargs.
- Parameters:
xname (str) – Name of the beam value for the x axis (e.g. “x”,”uy”,”Ek”,…)
yname (str) – Name of the beam value for the y axis (e.g. “x”,”uy”,”Ek”,…)
xconv (str, optional) – Unit wanted for the x axis. Defaults to None.
yconv (str, optional) – Unit wanted for the y axis. Defaults to None.
xrange (list, optional) – Range [min, max] of the x data.. Defaults to [np.nan,np.nan].
yrange (list, optional) – Range [min, max] of the y data.. Defaults to [np.nan,np.nan].
bins (list, optional) – Number of bins used. Defaults to [100,100].
plot (str, optional) – Type of plot wanted. Available: “pcolormesh”, “scatter”, “hist2D, “hexbin”, “bivariate”. Defaults to “pcolormesh”.
ax (matplotlib.pyplot.axes, optional) – matplotlib.pyplot.axes object for plots. Defaults to None. If None, but plot != None, will create a new figure with its own ax.
iscbar (bool, optional) – Plot colorbar. Defaults to True.
emit (bool, optional) – Plot emittance. Defaults to True.
**kwargs (List of properties) –
cmap (str): colormap of . Defaults to ‘tracewin’.
grid (str): Defaults to True.
shading (str): Pcolormesh shading. Defaults to “auto”. “gouraud” available.
vmin (float): Pcolormesh vmin. Defaults to None.
vmax (float): Pcolormesh vmax. Defaults to None.
xlabel (bool): Plot xlabel. Defaults to True.
ylabel (bool): Plot xlabel. Defaults to True.
short (bool): Use short unit label. Defaults to False.
set_xticks (list): Defaults to False.
set_yticks (list): Defaults to False.
marginals_bar (bool): Plot small 1d histogram (bar format). Defaults to False.
marginals_plot (bool): Plot small 1d histogram (plotline format). Defaults to False.
marginals_step (bool): Plot small 1d histogram (step format). Defaults to True.
marginals_color (str): Color of the small 1d histogram. Defaults to “firebrick”.
emit_color (str): Color of the emittance. Default to “firebrick”.
panel_text (str): Name of the panel. For instance: “(a)”, “(b)”, or “i)”.
- Returns:
hist (float) (2D array) – The bi-dimensional histogram of samples x and y. Values in x are histogrammed along the first dimension and values in y are histogrammed along the second dimension.
xpos (float) (1D array) – The bin positions (middle) along the x-axis.
ypos (float) (1D array) – The bin positions (middle) along the y-axis.