Source code for

""" file

    Python package for beam dynamics analysis in laser-plasma acceleration
    author:: Damien Minenna <>
    date = 21/07/2023

import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as const
import struct
from typing import Optional

# twissed
from ..step.step import Step

[docs]def read_dst(filename: str, charge: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs) -> Step: """Read dst file into a Step class. All information on the beam are computed. Example ------- .. code-block:: python step = twissed.read_dst("treacewin.dst", charge = 100, inverse_x_and_y=True) .. todo:: Check charge in pC. Check z distribution. Args: filename (str): Path of the dst file. charge (float, optional): Overwrite the total charge to the given amount in pC. Returns: Step: class containing beam information :meth:`twissed.step`. Other Parameters ---------------- **kwargs : List of properties * verbose (bool): Display information. Defaults to True. * inverse_x_and_y (bool): Inverse the x and y axis. Defaults to False. """ f = open(filename, "rb") # opening a binary file content = header = list(struct.unpack("<cciddc", content[0:23])) N = header[2] current = header[3] freq = header[4] * 1e6 # ! Todo check charge in pC ! charge_applicable = current / freq if charge is not None: charge_applicable = charge if charge != 0: weight = charge_applicable / const.e / 1e12 / N else: weight = 1.0 last_id = 23 x = [] y = [] t = [] xp = [] yp = [] W = [] for i in range(N): part = list(struct.unpack("<dddddd", content[last_id : last_id + 8 * 6])) if kwargs.get("inverse_x_and_y", False): x.append(part[2]) xp.append(part[3]) y.append(part[0]) yp.append(part[1]) else: x.append(part[0]) xp.append(part[1]) y.append(part[2]) yp.append(part[3]) t.append(part[4]) W.append(part[5]) last_id = last_id + 8 * 6 Erest = list(struct.unpack("<d", content[last_id : last_id + 8 * 6]))[0] / 1e-6 x = np.array(x) / 100.0 y = np.array(y) / 100.0 xp = np.array(xp) yp = np.array(yp) W = np.array(W) / 1e-6 gammaloc = W / Erest + 1.0 uz = np.sqrt((gammaloc**2 - 1) / (xp**2 + yp**2 + 1.0)) t = np.array(t) ux = xp * uz uy = yp * uz z = -t * uz / gammaloc * const.c / 2.0 / const.pi / freq step = Step() step.set_new_6D_beam(x, y, z, ux, uy, uz, np.ones(N) * weight) step.get_beam() if kwargs.get("verbose", True): print(f"INFO: .dst file read with N particle: {step.N} and charge {charge}") return step
def write_dst(step: Step, filename: str, freq: Optional[float] = 1e9, **kwargs) -> None: """Write a .dst file for the beam. Warning ------- The weigh of particle must be equal! Example ------- .. code-block:: python twissed.write_dst(step, "treacewin.dst", freq=1e9, inverse_x_and_y=True) Args: step (Step): class containing beam information :meth:`twissed.step`. filename (str): Path + name of the file freq (float,optional): Frequency. Default to 1 GHz. Other Parameters ---------------- **kwargs : List of properties * verbose (bool): Display information. Defaults to True. * inverse_x_and_y (bool): Inverse the x and y axis. Defaults to False. Warning: It is not equal to rotation -90° ! """ inverse_x_and_y = kwargs.get( "inverse_x_and_y", False ) # Warning ! Not equal to rotation -90° ! dtype_TWin = [ ("x", np.float64), ("xp", np.float64), ("y", np.float64), ("yp", np.float64), ("t", np.float64), ("W", np.float64), ] charge = np.sum(step.w) * const.e arr_z = step.z - np.average(step.z, weights=step.w) me_eV = const.m_e * const.c**2 / const.e Erest = me_eV tab_end = np.zeros((np.size(step.w)), dtype=dtype_TWin) gammaloc = np.sqrt(1.0 + step.ux**2 +**2 +**2) if not inverse_x_and_y: tab_end["x"] = step.x tab_end["y"] = step.y tab_end["xp"] = step.ux / tab_end["yp"] = / else: tab_end["x"] = step.y tab_end["y"] = step.x tab_end["xp"] = / tab_end["yp"] = step.ux / tab_end["t"] = ( -arr_z / / const.c * gammaloc * 2.0 * const.pi * freq ) # PHASE Phi tab_end["W"] = (gammaloc - 1.0) * Erest # = self.Ek cur = charge * freq # apert=10e-6 # apert=0 # if apert > 0: # mask1 = np.abs(tab_end["x"])<apert # tab_end = tab_end[mask1] # mask1 = np.abs(tab_end["y"])<apert # tab_end = tab_end[mask1] center = True if center: tab_end["x"] -= tab_end["x"].mean() tab_end["y"] -= tab_end["y"].mean() tab_end["xp"] -= tab_end["xp"].mean() tab_end["yp"] -= tab_end["yp"].mean() tab_end["t"] -= tab_end["t"].mean() with open(filename, "wb") as fout: fout.write( struct.pack( "<cciddc", chr(125).encode("ascii"), chr(100).encode("ascii"), len(tab_end), cur * 1e3, freq * 1e-6, chr(0).encode("ascii"), ) ) for line_data in tab_end: fout.write( struct.pack( "<dddddd", line_data["x"] * 100.0, line_data["xp"], line_data["y"] * 100.0, line_data["yp"], line_data["t"], line_data["W"] * 1e-6, ) ) fout.write(struct.pack("<d", Erest * 1e-6)) if kwargs.get("verbose", True): print(f"INFO: .dst file {filename} wrote with N particle: {step.N}.")